Saturday, March 15

Save Gmail chats and conversations as a Google document
How many Chats or Email conversations you have In your Gmail Inbox ? Hundreds right ? You may wish to Save your Long Gmail Chats and Emails as a Document that you can later read offline.The Gmail Labs team Finally has an Answer.

Now You can save your Gmail chats and Emails as Word,Html,PDF,RTF or as an open office Document.

Finding the Widget :Just login to Gmail and Click “Settings”.Under the “Labs” Tab you will find a list of Widgets.Find “Create a Document” Widget and Enable it.Then Save your Settings.

Saving Your Document :To Save the Document open The Gmail Chat or Email and you will see a ”Create a Document” link in the Right.Clicking that link Opens Up your Document under “Google Docs” and you are ready to save Your Document in your Desired Format

It was really tiring for me when I thought to Save all My Gmail chats In my Hard disk.Simply Copy pasting them In MS-Word was not an option.I also tried Microsoft -one Note but That too was really Time consuming.My emails Are saved in MS-Outlook But the Gmail Chats with My friends Aren’t.

Printer Friendly :The Important Thing is that The document saved is well formatted and free from Email Signatures and Quoted Text.You can edit Your Document After it opens in Google Docs,Add Images Links and Do whatever You wish.

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