Saturday, March 15

Remove Fb Ticker & Get Old FB Chat Bar Back

Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion

Do you want your Facebook sidebar to show ALL your online friends?
Do you wish that your Facebook sidebar didn’t waste space on friends that aren’t even online?
Do you want your Facebook sidebar to look like this? Without the blur of course!

Well here is the solution for you!!!

Firefox Users

In order to run the code required to make the transformations, you must install a Firefox Add-on called Greasemonkey.

It can be downloaded from here:

Step 1: Visit the above link and click on “Add to Firefox”

Step 2: Once downloaded, you will see the following alert, click “Install”

Step 3: Once it is installed, it will alert you to restart Firefox, please do so

Step 4: Then go here: and click “Install”

Step 5: This will open an alert like you see below, click install and you are all done.

If you open Facebook now, your sidebar should be replaced and look like this:

Google Chrome Users

Your life is easier than Firefox users as Google Chrome supports running the code by default!

Step 1: Go here: and click “Install”

Step 2: Once downloaded an alert such as the following will appear at the bottom of the window

Step 3: This will open a confirmation alert, click Install and you are done.

If you open Facebook now, your sidebar should be replaced and look like this:

Sharing is caring!

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