Saturday, February 1


7 Super Tips Which Will Save Your Time Spent On Checking Gmail

Your email inbox is the central point of your online work. If you are a freelancer, blogger or a full time web worker, chances are that you have to deal with a lot of email every single day. Some of these messages are useful, some are spammy while most of them are useless junk. A survey on Internet users reveals the fact that on an average, people spend 4.4 hours weekly on checking email while time spent on social sites is slightly higher (4.6). Fact of the matter is – both the actions are not finite and most people end up wasting a lot of productive time gazing at their inbox. This happens mainly because of three reasons: You are expecting a reply from someone and refresh your email inbox every 2 minutes. You have nothing to do and you keep your email account open in one browser tab, h...
How to Autoforward Emails to Multiple Email Addresses in Gmail

How to Autoforward Emails to Multiple Email Addresses in Gmail

Sometimes you may want to forward emails from an account to other email addresses you have. Do you know that you can automatically forward emails from Gmail to multiple email addresses using filters. Here is a brief tutorial which works with Gmail as well as Google Apps accounts. Automatically Forward Emails to only one Email address 1. Log in to your Gmail account and go to “Settings”. Click the “Forwarding and Pop/IMAP tab . 2. Select the radio button that says “Forward a copy of incoming mail to”. Enter the email address where you want to forward the incoming emails. 3. Hit “Save changes” and you are done. Now all the emails sent to this email address will be automatically forwarded to the email address you specified above. Read this guide if you want to receive all incoming emai...

Gmail Search Operators – Use to Quickly Find Old Emails in Gmail

Gmail search operators can be very useful when you are searching for a particular email in your inbox. With time, the size of your inbox increases and it becomes really difficult to remember whether you have a specific email saved in your inbox or not. If you are a power user and have thousands of messages already archived, reading the subject line of every email and trying to find a particular message is next to impossible. Here is a complete guide on Gmail search operators and some techniques to find a particular email with very little effort. Basic Search Operators in Gmail   1. Search the emails sent by a particular user   To search all the emails sent to you by a particular contact, type from:sender in the Gmail search box. So if you are searching for a...
Link Multiple Gmail accounts and check email at One place

Link Multiple Gmail accounts and check email at One place

If you have Multiple email addresses to check then managing emails can be really tiring. Every now and then you need to check all your email accounts for new mail. Here is How You can connect all Your Gmail accounts and check all your emails at one place. Let us Suppose You have 3 email accounts One is primary and the rest of them are secondary. You want to forward all Your emails from Your secondary email accounts in the primary account and read them at one place. Here is How you do it : Add a Secondary email Address in your primary mail account   1.Open Your primary email account  and click settings from the Top right corner of the Screen. 2.On the Accounts tab  select Add another Email Address. A Pop Up Window Will Open asking you the email address that you want...

Automatically Respond to Specific Emails in Gmail Using Filters and Canned Responses

If you get a large number of emails daily then you may wish to set up filters in Gmail and use those Filters to automatically respond to Specific emails.You can also use the vacation Responder to send an Automated email to everyone Who Sends you a mail at a particular period. Send an Auto response to Specific Email Addresses using a canned response   To send an automatic response  to particular emails you have to set up Canned responses which is available from G mail labs. How do I set up the canned response ? To set up the canned response Click on “Labs” in the top right corner of Gmail,Scroll down and Enable the “Canned Response” feature.After that Click “Save changes” and you are ready to go. From now on Whenever you compose a new mail you can save the mail as a “C...

Gmailbackup – Back Up Emails From Gmail and Read Offline

Sometimes You may regret When You do not have an Internet Connection Available. You need to read an old email Badly but you do not have a local copy of that email in your Hard disk.If you are a Web Worker then it may be worthwhile to have all your emails backed up in your Computer for offline reading. Create an offline copy of All Your Gmail MailsWhile outlook 2007 is the Most popular Email client program but i am not a big fan and prefer the browser instead for managing emails.Its very important that I keep a back up of all My emails Which I can read offline in case i need some necessary information .This is exactly what Gmailbackup Does. Enter Your Gmail Login Details and Choose a Folder in your Hard disk. After that specify a start date and a Finish Date and Hit the Magic Button “Back ...

Save Gmail chats and conversations as a Google document

How many Chats or Email conversations you have In your Gmail Inbox ? Hundreds right ? You may wish to Save your Long Gmail Chats and Emails as a Document that you can later read offline.The Gmail Labs team Finally has an Answer.Now You can save your Gmail chats and Emails as Word,Html,PDF,RTF or as an open office Document.Finding the Widget :Just login to Gmail and Click “Settings”.Under the “Labs” Tab you will find a list of Widgets.Find “Create a Document” Widget and Enable it.Then Save your Settings. Saving Your Document :To Save the Document open The Gmail Chat or Email and you will see a ”Create a Document” link in the Right.Clicking that link Opens Up your Document under “Google Docs” and you are ready to save Your Document in your Desired Format It was really tiring for me when I...

How to Automatically Create an Online Back up Gmail Using Google groups

You can use use Google groups to easily back up all the Emails in your Gmail account.As compared to forwarding to any Third party email Service or any other site it is more safe and you won’t have to customize anything. Setting up the Google group To receive backups 1.Create a New Google group using your Existing Google account.Name it something like “My Gmail Backup”. Remember to keep the Access level restricted because you don’t want to let the World know what’s lying in your Inbox. 2.Create the group and Skip the Invite members Step. 3.Click on Group Settings and select the “Advanced tab” 4.Click on “ Use Google groups to manage Remote archive”.Enter your Gmail address.Do not enter your Google group’s email address here. 5.Copy the generated Google Groups address and keep it in...
FAQ’s on Aakash Tablet

FAQ’s on Aakash Tablet

Q1: I am a student, how can I buy Aakash Tablet? A:   As per stated by the government, the Aakash Tablet will be made available to the students through the institutions in which they are studying. So if you directly contact the student cell or Dean, Student’s Welfare, it would be the best way for you finds the exact availability of the Aakash tablet. The process of distribution of the tablet to the students has already been started and also at the press conference 500 tablets were given to the students. Q2: What is the price of this tablet for the students? A:  For students, the government will be making available the student version of the Aakash Tablet at a cost of Rs 1730($35) and definitely the students have to pay for this. But if look at the actual price of the Table...

It’s all about Ice Cream Sandwich !

Google's out with! Android 4.0, a.k.a. Ice Cream Sandwich. Sounds delicious, but what exactly is it? It's a mobile platform. Ice Cream Sandwich continues Google's tradition of alphabetical dessert naming. Froyo begat Gingerbread, Gingerbread begat Honeycomb, and together, Gingerbread and Honeycomb begat Ice Cream Sandwich. If you bought a high-end phone recently you will almost certainly be upgraded to Ice Cream Sandwich, and upcoming high-end devices will have it preloaded. It’s different... For anyone who has used an Android phone, this is a pretty different look. It still has that famously customizable desktop, but it doesn't move in the same way. Open the app drawer and you scroll from side to side, not up and down as on Android 2.x. You have four customizable icons on your ho...