Karbonn, the maker of entry level Android smartphones, has launched its newest device called the Karbonn A30. The dual SIM handset runs on Android 4.0 ICS. The smartphone is powered by a 1Ghz dual core processor which promises improved gaming performance and a better web browsing experience. While we’re a bit short on details here, we expect the phone to be powered by Mediatek’s dual core solution.
Specs known so far are as below –
- The screen size is 5.9 inches (which is one of the biggest smartphone displays so far).
- At rear it has 8MP camera with LED flash and at front with 1.3MP for video calling.
- For connectivity features it has 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth.
- The phone is equipped with a 2500 mAh battery which is pretty amazing and rare to see in a phone in this range. It has a memory card slot allows for up to 32GB of expandable storage.
The phone has been priced at Rs. 11,500 and will ship in black or white with a complimentary leather cover.