Saturday, March 15

Increase internet Speed by tweaking QoS in Windows Xp
The following tweak has been tested with Windows XP only. however I am not denying that fact that these settings may be able to tweak and optimize Windows 7 internet and network speed. The default system behavior is that all 100% bandwidth is available, however, if there is a running application that indicates to the OS it needs to send high priority/real time data, then as long as it has the socket open, Windows XP will restrict “best effort” traffic to 80% of the bandwidth so that high priority traffic can be accommodated. Basically, applications can make this request to the operating system for QoS support using the QoS application programming interfaces (APIs) in Windows and this only applies if a specific app is requesting QoS. If you’d like to change how much bandwidth is reserved for QoS (the default is 20% of the total bandwidth), do the following:
    • Make sure you’re logged in as “Administrator” (not just any account with admin privileges).
    • Navigate to START>Run and type: gpedit.msc
    • Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Network > QOS Packet Scheduler
    • In the right window, double-click the Limit Reservable Bandwidth setting
    • On the setting tab, check the enabled setting.
    • Where it says “Bandwidth limit %”, change it to read 0 (or whatever percentage you want to reserve for high priority QoS data)
    • Click OK, close gpedit.msc

Under START > My Computer > My Network Connections > View Network Connections, right-click on your connection and under Properties (where it lists your protocols), make sure QOS Packet Scheduler is enabled.

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The tweak desribed below helps boost priority for DNS & hostname resolution in general. What this means is, it helps web pages load faster, and has negligible effect on downloads (not counting the couple of ms gain with the host resolution at connect-time).

Applying this tweak assumes some proficiency in editing the Windows Registry using Regedit (Start > Run > type: regedit). As always, backup your Registry before making any changes so you can revert to the previous state if you don’t like the results.

2nd method

Follow the step:-

go to desktop->My computer-(right click on)->properties->then go HARDWARE tab->Device manager-> now u see a window of Device manager

then go to Ports->Communication Port(double click on it and Open).
after open u can see a Communication Port properties.

go the Port Setting:—-

and now increase ur “Bits per second” to 128000.
and “Flow control” change 2 Hardware.

apply and see the result

Another Method

Type this coding in notepad and save as .reg and then execute this file….this will increase your surfing n downloading speed


lSetServic esTcpipParameters]

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