Saturday, March 15

HTC HD2 Windows Phone Shortcuts


clip_image001 HTC HD2 Microsoft’s Windows Mobile mobile operating system probably has been around for quite a few years now. The current version is Windows Mobile (WM) 6.5.3 which is available on devices including the Sony Ericsson Aspen and Garmin-Asus M10, but the bulk of the handsets such as the HTC HD2 and Samsung Omnia II still run WM6.5. These smartphones typically have a custom user interface overlay on the OS; HTC with the Sense UI and Samsung with TouchWiz.  
For the shortcuts list below, we’ve picked the HD2 as a reference for the Windows Mobile OS. Moving forward, you may also want to know that Microsoft has already announced the Windows Phone 7 Series (WP7S) which will be available at the end of this year. Current devices running WM6.x will not be upgradable to WP7S and there will also not be custom UIs on the new operating system.

Basic controls

How to Shortcut
Unlock phone Slide the unlock bar either to the left or the right.
Set ringing mode to silent Press either the volume up or down button and select Silent.
Set ringing mode to vibrate Long press power button, select set vibrate.
Manage notifications Tap the status bar at the top of screen to see the list of notifications.
Return to home screen Press home button.
Customize home screen tabs Go to home screen. Select Menu, select personalize home screen tabs.
Add applications to home screen Go to home screen. Select one of the square boxes with a plus sign on the bottom right. Select program and choose the application of your choice.
Activate Wi-Fi router Slide to Settings from home screen, select Wireless controls. Tap on on/off control to activate Wi-Fi router.
Terminate data connection Long press power button, select terminate data connection.
Rearrange icons on the main menu Tap and hold icon to move it up to the top, or down one grid.
READ :  BlackBerry Smartphone Shortcuts

Web browser

How to Shortcut
Zoom in/zoom out on Web page Pinch/reverse pinch.
Quickly zoom in and out of a section of the Web page Double tap the section.
Bookmark a Web page Tap on the star icon at the bottom of the browser screen.
Work with multiple browser windows Tap on the multiple page icon and select new tab.
Enter domain names quickly Press and hold down the ".com" button and options such as ".net", ".org" and ".gov" will appear.


How to Shortcut
Zoom in/zoom out when viewing photos Pinch/reverse pinch.
Share photos via email/SMS/or upload to Facebook Tap on picture and select share icon.


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