Saturday, March 15

[Guest Post] How To Run An App As Admin In Windows8
Windows 8 is the latest version of Windows Operating System to come out from Microsoft. Definitely, the world is going gaga over its look, features, and portability. However, for beginners, the Windows 8 operating system may pose some sort of problems. The interface might not be as easy as one think of. Obviously, a new version of Operating System can create some confusion during the initial stages. Things will become easier with more frequent use. It used to be a problem for beginners to run new apps as admin in Windows 7. Then, after becoming familiar with this particular OS, conditions begin to improve. Same can be said about Windows 8 Operating System. Beginners are finding it difficult to run modern-day apps in Windows 8 OS as admin. But is it really difficult to carry out this task? Not really as the following lines proves it. Have a look.
First thing first: Windows 8 does not feature any Start Menu. Rather, there is an all new Start Screen that is quite ‘immersive’ in nature. There is no context menu to get highlighted on the start screen. Because of the absence of Context Menu, first time users may find it difficult to run applications as an admin. It is very normal for them to become confused with such an entirely different styled screen appearance.
Explanation: The user wants to launch a METRO application. What should he/she do? The user needs to open up the Start Screen. It is very easy to go to the Start Screen Page. Simply press the ‘Windows’ icon key on the keyboard and the user is taken to the Start Screen. Switching from one screen to the Home Start Screen becomes that much simpler and easier.
What next?
Then, the user need to select any of those applications that he/she wants to run as admin. The selection procedure is simple. At first, select the particular app that the user wants to run. Selecting needs to be done with the mouse cursor being taken over that particular application icon and then left clicking over it. Remember to left click the application only once. Then, keeping the mouse cursor over the icon, right click the mouse.
A box will get opened. A whole lot of options will get visible. These are ‘Unpin from start’, ‘pin to taskbar’, ‘uninstall’, ‘Open new window’, ‘run as administrator’, ‘open file location’. From all these options, the user needs to select ‘run as administrator’. Click on that particular option. Once clicked, the user will be able to see a certain UAC prompt that highlights two tabs: YES and NO. Simply click the YES tab. Once this is clicked, the launching of that particular application will start taking place. Some applications may not start if there is a lower version of Direct X being installed in the PC. So, it is always recommended to check on the version of Direct X available on the PC. Try to get it updated before installing and launching any application. That’s all for beginners to learn in order to run apps in Windows 8 OS as administrator.

About The Author: Kelly is a writer/blogger. She loves writing travelling and reading books. She contributes in Sonia Choquette reviews

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