Saturday, March 15

[ANDROID] How To Extend The WhatsApp License for Free

I’ve been using Whatsapp application for my android phone for almost 1 year, and usually they will limit the license only for one year only and charge $1. This is very cheap i know but the problem is the payment is using credit card, I assume many of you (read : youngster) don’t have one, so here we go on How To Extend The WhatsApp License for Free :

Steps :
  1. Login to Whatsapp and go to Whatsapp >Settings> Account Info
  2. Find your expiration date then click “Purchase Online” button, a new windows will appears.
  3. In the payment page, choose Google Checkout and finish your purchase
  4. In the credit card column you don’t need to enter anything, just enter the month and year of credit card expiration date (make it make sense!)
  5. Follow the instructions
  6. When you need to enter PIN, enter 4 digits pin and memorize it because you need it for the next step (Google Checkout)
  7. Click Buy
  8. Logout from whatsapp application (Settings > Applications> Manage Applications > Whatsapp > Force stop)
  9. Go to Settings > Accounts & Sync> Whatsapp> Remove Account
  10. Login to whatsapp application and you will get asked (again) if you wants to install whatsapp (just like first time installing whatsapp), enter your phone number
  11. Go to your account info and your status is now changed from Free into Paid


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