Saturday, March 15

How To Blog
Today internet has emerged as a major source of Information. Anyone can
speak his/her mind over the internet all that he/she just need is a
space over this cool and happening universe Internet. This can be done
either with creating a website or blogging.

Especially Blogging
service made it quite easy for Internet user to raise their voice and
express themselves across the globe. Blogging is also a smart way to
advertise small business. It enables one to advertise their product and
services without any hurdles. All that they need is just a Blog Service
Provider and great thing is that almost most of them are free and
taking good care of their users.

It is very easy to create blog
and broadcast it. However effective blogging is still something which
one should understand before creating a blog. Following are some basic
tips and things that a blogger needs to take care of –

– First understand objective of yours for creating the blog.
Then research well on the topic you want to write on. If you are
creating blog to make money then you first need to figure out your
audience and then look after their taste.

2. Blog Host– After
figuring out your objective and your needs you may be able to take
decision about your blog host wisely. You can start blog with your own
domain or use any free services like However personally I
may recommend “Blogger “ because it is free and gives you liberty to
play around with template and craft it with your own creativity. Best
thing about Blogger is that unlike WordPress they don’t charge you if
you want to host your blog with your own purchased domain.

Blog Design– As I already mentioned above that Blogger is best because
first they are free and second they provide you freedom to modify and
customize themes easily. In case if you cannot play with Themes and also
don’t have any problem in spending money. Then you can also consider to
buy themes to meet your needs. However I may not suggest to spend a
huge amount on design as most of the Blogger services provide nice
themes and tools to customize them.

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4. Right Plugin– Mostly
blogger choose WordPress as blogging platform to get most out from
WordPress blog you need some good plugin which can increase your blog
productivity, visitors interaction, search engine ranking and lot of
other benefits. (For e.g. In blogger you can replace default comment
plugin with either disqus or IntenseDebate)

5. Good Content
Content is the soul of blog. Why people will come to your blog? To find
interesting and useful information. What if I present you a music DVD
filled with some crap music you never want to listen. What will you do
to that DVD; you may put it in a corner or you want to break that DVD.
Same applies for bad content your content will be of no use to others.
Search for what people want to read and create quality content of there

6. Blog Promotion– Now you have a self hosted blog,
good blog design, right plugins and very good content is this of any use
without visitors. Blog popularity is majored by how many visitors come
to that site. Bringing visitors to your site is difficult task but there
are plenty of ways you can bring visitors to your site. Submit your
site to all major search engines you can get lot of visitors from search
engines. Submit your blog post to top social bookmaking site. Make
comments on other blog, create your profile on social networking site
and make friends. There are many other ways you can bring visitors to
your website.

To be continued….next week

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