Saturday, March 15

Google Plus vs. Facebook

Article first published as Google Plus vs. Facebook on Technorati. image Like all the other Google lovers I was also very excited when I heard that Google had launched its own social network, Google Plus. I tried hard and somehow managed to get an invitation. This was very exciting for me as I was looking forward to it as an alternative for Facebook. I posted an article on Google plus discussing its features. However, soon after creating a profile and looking into all the options and features of it, I started missing applications that I used to enjoy at Facebook. Frankly these applications were proven to be at best time killing applications and many times they simply saved me from getting bored. Except few of the features like Circles, privacy settings and editing a wall post, I didn’t find anything else much different from Facebook. Facebook is a fully developed social network and Google Plus has just emerged so talking about their comparison is pretty irrational. My suggestion to all the Google lovers who are either moving or seeking hard to move on to Google plus with huge anticipation is just that as of now it’s too early to think that Google Plus will help them overcome their Facebook addiction. Right now comparing it with Facebook may just catch disappointment to you (like what had happened with me). Anyways the best part is that Google Plus is still in development phase so I am sure that Google will enhance and improve it very soon. Till that time I am submitting my suggestions now and then to Google Plus development team.  

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