Sunday, March 16

Facebook Treat – Multi-person chat, Video calling and lots more!

Article first published as Facebook Treat: Multi Person Chat, Video Calling and Lots More on Technorati.

Facebook has come up with the Group Chat; enhances data visibility and video calling powered by Skype for all its users indicating that they are strongly working on their apps support to enhance user experience.

Group Chat
The new feature of Group Chat also popularly known as multi-person chat give users freedom of sharing and discuss thoughts with their multiple friends through instant chat.

Note: If in place of “Add to chat” you have “Start a video call” option. Then look into the setting button (i.e. between “Start a video call” and “Close this chat”) because it must be there inside it.

Enhances Data Visibility
In response to Facebook’s increasing integration with third-party sites Mark Zuckerberg also announced a cool new dashboard feature that provides a single view of all applications that have access to your data. This will make it possible for users to keep tabs on who has access to their data and revoke that access from one place.
Finally, in another important move, you’ll also be able to download everything you’ve ever posted on Facebook to your computer in one go. The ability to do this will be protected by security measures such as answering a selection of questions.

To begin this process, go to your Account Settings page, then click the “learn more” link beside “Download Your Information.” From there, click the “Download” button.

Your Download my information from Facebook file will include the following information:

· Your profile information (e.g., your contact information, interests, groups)
· Wall posts and content that you and your friends have posted to your profile
· Photos and videos that you have uploaded to your account
· Your friend list
· Notes you have created
· Events to which you have RSVP’d
· Your sent and received messages
· Any comments that you and your friends have made on your Wall posts, photos, and other profile content

Video Calling Powered By Skype
The service has been rolled out immediately and to get started just visit the Facebook video calling page a plugin will be downloaded (within 30 seconds apparently). Then click on a friend’s profile and click call, a box (and ringing sound) will appear on your friend’s profile allowing them to accept or decline. I have tested the system for myself and I was seriously impressed with the ease and speed of set-up – and using the service was no great pain either.

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Source- Facebook Blog

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