Saturday, March 15

Automatically Respond to Specific Emails in Gmail Using Filters and Canned Responses
If you get a large number of emails daily then you may wish to set up filters in Gmail and use those Filters to automatically respond to Specific emails.You can also use the vacation Responder to send an Automated email to everyone Who Sends you a mail at a particular period.

Send an Auto response to Specific Email Addresses using a canned response


To send an automatic response  to particular emails you have to set up Canned responses which is available from G mail labs.

How do I set up the canned response ?

To set up the canned response Click on “Labs” in the top right corner of Gmail,Scroll down and Enable the “Canned Response” feature.After that Click “Save changes” and you are ready to go.

From now on Whenever you compose a new mail you can save the mail as a “Canned Response “


To set up the G mail filters follow the Steps mentioned below :

1.Open a Blank Email Message in Gmail and write your message that you wish to sent Automatically using Filters.

2.Save your message as a canned response.Once saved you can close the Message Window.


3.Go to settings,click the Filters tab and Scroll down to “Create a New filter”.

4.In the “To” Section put down an email address that the autoresponder email would acknowledge all the replies. You would like to Put your Email address in the To: section.


In the From section Enter the email address of the people that you would like to respond .Separate Multiple email addresses with a | . Leave everything Blank.

5.Choose an “Action”.That means click “Send canned response” and From the drop down menu choose the canned response that you created in step 1.After that click “Create Filter”.That concludes the Settings.You are done.

From now on whenever You get a mail from the addresses that you had choosen in the “Create Filter” step they will be automatically greeted by your canned response.


Send an Auto response to Every email Address

Suppose you are out on a vacation for two weeks and Can’t reply to emails that You receive.In that case you may wish to send an autoresponder email address to everyone who sends you email during that period.In that case no need to create a New filter.You can achieve this using the Vacation Responder In Gmail.

1.Go to settings and click “Turn Vacation Responder on”
2.Write your message that would be delivered when someone sends you an email message.Here is an Example :

I am Out on a vacation trip and can’t reply to your message right now.I have received your message and would surely respond when I return.
Your name
[This is an auto generated message.Do not respond to it.]


3.Click “save changes” and presto.The Vacation responder is on and You can check the status By sending an Email from another email address.When you wish to turn off the Vacation responder Just go to Settings and Click”Turn off the vacation Responder”.

 Why should you set up an Auto Responder

In case you get Only 2-3 emails per day there is no need to set up the autoresponder.But in case its 20-25 then autoresponder message is quite flexible. It works in the background and notifies the sender that you have received his/her email and would respond shortly.

Sharing is caring!

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