Saturday, March 15

Tag: underlying cause

Get Nervous while talking to Influential People? Here Are Some Tips to Help You Talk

Get Nervous while talking to Influential People? Here Are Some Tips to Help You Talk

You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t feel at least a twinge of nerves when interacting with important people. We’re social beings, designed to influence and be influenced, so of course you’re going to notice and react to another person’s success, status, or power. There’s no need to tie yourself up in knots, however. A few small changes in your mindset and approach can help you decrease your anxietyand increase your chances of having a conversation you’re proud of. 1. Name the Problem Whether you call it anxiety, discomfort, intimidation, or something else, what’s eating at you is fear. This feeling hijacks your rational thought processes, and it’s crucial to ask yourself what, exactly , you’re afraid of if you want to get over it. The underlying cause of your fear will be unique to ...