Tuesday, March 18

Tag: tutorial

How to Download & Install Windows 10 Technical Preview

How to Download & Install Windows 10 Technical Preview

Microsoft unveiled the next version of Windows on September 30, choosing to skip a version number and hop from 8 to 10. While the final version of Windows 10 is expected to be released in 2015, the Technical Preview release - targeted at PC experts who understand the risks involved in downloading unfinished software - will be available starting October 1. Understanding Windows 10 Technical Preview In this preview, Windows 10 will go through a lot of change with updates, and you will have access to the Windows Feedback app. This app helps send feedback to Microsoft about the different features they are adding and removing to Windows 10 in the preview period and thus, helps you be a part of the team that improves and polishes the OS. That apart, there are many new features that you can ...
How to Flash/Update Blackberry Smartphones

How to Flash/Update Blackberry Smartphones

Well I am here with this much awaited tutorial over how to flash your Blackberry smartphone with BB OS and save you tons of money you would spend when you take the phone to be fixed. Firstly you will need to install the blackberry desktop manager, to take back-up of your contacts and messages, it comes in a CD when u purchase you BB phone but can easily be downloaded. here            An additional software to download would be BBSAK, its used to back up BB applications and restore them among other functions. It can be downloaded from here Lastly you'll need to download the version of the OS you want to install. a simple way of getting this is by visiting Official Blackberry Firmware download and trace a suitable OS from there. 1:...