Saturday, March 15

Tag: South China Sea

PM Modi “Dollar Diplomacy” has sent China in a State of Shock

PM Modi “Dollar Diplomacy” has sent China in a State of Shock

As both India and China refuse to cede ground in Doklam , raising the possibility of a conflict between the two countries, India has tried to checkmate China by putting China’s domination under threat. Line of Credit(LoC) are soft loans sanctioned by one country to another with low interest rates to fund infrastructure, agricultural, education projects and enhance co-operation between the two countries i. e. LoCs are soft loans to foreign countries to execute projects of their choice. China is the leader in providing LoCs to under developed and developing countries. But China by no means provides LoCs at low interest rates often sending countries into debt traps. Countries like Sri Lanka, Laos and Myanmar are debt trapped by China. In return China uses its leverage for favourable decisi...
DRDO confirms India is in talks with Vietnam for first missile sale

DRDO confirms India is in talks with Vietnam for first missile sale

India is in talks to sell short range surface-to-air missiles to Vietnam, the head of India’s defence research agency said on Wednesday, in what would be its first transfer of such weapons to the Southeast Asian country. India has been helping the Vietnamese military with training and patrol vessels, but a further deepening of ties with missile sales could draw criticism from China that has been locked in a territorial dispute with Hanoi in the South China Sea. New Delhi is currently talking to a number of countries for sales of its surface-to-air Akash missiles, said S Christopher, chairman of state-run Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). The move is in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s push to establish India as an arms exporter. “We are talking to coun...