Saturday, March 15

Tag: Sony

Top 10 Latest and Upcoming Android Tablets

Top 10 Latest and Upcoming Android Tablets

  There is no doubt that 2011 is the year of the Android tablets. There have been many  launches already and still more are in queue to be launched this year along with the intensive marketing efforts to compete with Apple’s already firmly established iPad and iPad 2. Therefore for the convenience of tablet lovers we have come up with the following list of the Android tablets that we expect to be in the top ten list of this year’s in terms of features and overall quality.   1. Motorola Xoom This is more a technological achievement than a tablet that will likely be very popular thanks to the marketing multi-venture of the three giants Motorola, Verizon and Google. Google is taking a leap forward with their brand new Android version 3.1. Their v...

PlayStation Vita – Sony’s next-gen handheld

Sony showcased its portable handheld gaming device officially named as PlayStation Vita on Monday. The device was previously codenamed as Next Generation Portable and it features a 5-inch OLED touch screen and front and rear touch controls and Wi-Fi and 3G data connections. According to Sony, the PS Vita will sport a quad-core processor and quad-core graphics, and will also include dual analog sticks and front and rear cameras. The device is also available in Wi-Fi only version at a price of $250. The pricing has Sony run into criticism that this gadget is too expensive. This latest gadget, as Sony claims, is said to be designed to obscure the fine ‘line’ between life-game and the real life with the presence of augmented reality technology. This new device...