Saturday, March 15

Tag: shortcut keys

Top 10 Excel ShortCuts (Always Help You)

Top 10 Excel ShortCuts (Always Help You)

Most of us understand & knows the importance of Excel keyboard shortcuts. While it may be a good idea to know a 97 different shortcuts for everything in Excel, the fact is, you don’t use them all the time. So, it all boils down to memorizing the few shortcuts that you use all the time. In this post, I am sharing 10 such shortcuts that I can’t live without, especially, when I am analyzing data, making charts and formatting my workbooks. 1. CTRL+1 – Format I use this all the time, to format cells, charts, text boxes – you name it.2. CTRL+SHIFT+L – Turn on/ off filtersMost of the time, I use filters to do ad-hoc analysis of my data. So, Once I set a couple of filters, If I want to revert back to full data, I find clearing each filter a pain. So I just turn-off and turn-on the filters, ...
Important MS Excel Shortcuts

Important MS Excel Shortcuts

Function Keys F1 Displays the Office Assistant or (Help > Microsoft Excel Help) F2 Edits the active cell, putting the cursor at the end F3 Displays the (Insert > Name > Paste) dialog box F4 Repeats the last worksheet action (Edit > Repeat) F5 Displays the (Edit > GoTo) dialog box F6 Moves to the next pane in a workbook (if the window is split) F7 Displays the (Tools > Spelling) dialog box F8 Toggles whether to extend a selection with the arrow keys F9 Calculates All the worksheets in All the open workbooks F10 Toggles the activation of the Menu Bar F11 Displays the (Insert > Chart) dialog box that creates a chart (on a chart sheet) using the highlighted range F12 Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box Shift + Function Keys Shift + F2 Inserts or edi...