Tuesday, March 18

Tag: Project Possum

Not shortlisted for NASA, clarifies Shawna Pandya in Facebook Post

Not shortlisted for NASA, clarifies Shawna Pandya in Facebook Post

Shawna Pandya, an Indian-origin astronaut, has denied news reports that said she was shortlisted by NASA for its 2018 space mission under the Citizen Science Astronaut (CSA) programme. In a Facebook post, Pandya clarified that her work was separate from the work of the Canadian Space Agency and that of NASA. https://www.facebook.com/shawnapandya/posts/10101031795466615 “There has been no new announcement, flight assignment or selection of missions with respect to my work as a citizen-scientist astronaut with Project Possum or The PHEnOM Project. I am no more or less likely to fly than any other member of than these projects than I was 24 hours ago,” Pandya wrote on Facebook. She however remains a crew member in the work of both projects. She added that while the astronaut selectio...