Tuesday, March 18

Tag: plugins

Top Microsoft Windows Media Player Plug-ins

Top Microsoft Windows Media Player Plug-ins

It’s hard to find good WMP plugins. If you couldn’t yet find good plugins, despair not! Now that you’ve made your way to this article, you should have no trouble picking out some of the best WMP plugins available. 1. Now Playing Plugin The Now Playing plugin is one of the best Windows Media Player plugins. It is easy to use and the best for basic and advanced WMP enhances. It has many features, but the one I like the most is the ability to automatically update Facebook and Twitter statuses with the song that you’re listening to. The plugin lets you choose what information you want to pull from WMP, from the filename to the bitrate or the artist and song title. Advanced computer users can also export their “now playing” information to an XML file. This is particularly us...