Saturday, March 15

Tag: Japanese companies

Donald Trump and PM Abe hail US-Japan alliance as “cornerstone” of peace

Donald Trump and PM Abe hail US-Japan alliance as “cornerstone” of peace

In a joint White House press conference Friday afternoon, the US president also said his administration would work to strengthen US-Japanese ties and bring the two nations closer together. “The bond between our two nations and the friendship between our two peoples runs very, very deep,” Trump said. “This administration is committed to bringing those ties even closer.” The American president also expressed great personal warmth towards Abe, who was the first foreign leader to meet Trump as president-elect, and said the two of them “have a very, very good bond.” In further policy remarks, Trump thanked the Japanese Prime Minister for hosting American troops and reaffirmed America’s commitment to preserving freedom of navigation and maintaining Japan’s security, singling out defense...