Tuesday, March 18

Tag: inflation

5 Things We Missed Out In Modi’s Demonetization Logic…

5 Things We Missed Out In Modi’s Demonetization Logic…

Since the government decided to demonetize the currency of denomination 1000 and 500 on November 08th, there has been a lot of ink spilt on the merits and demerits of the demonetization move. Industry is up in arms against the liquidity crunch but is scared to speak too much against the black money drive. Journalists have typically taken extreme positions without understanding the nuances of the demonetization debate. The key issue that most are missing is that the goalpost of demonetization is not what many would like to believe. The immediate intent of the demonetization exercise is not to flush out black money, although that will be the eventual impact. Here are 5 key things we may have missed out in the demonetization logic… 01. The immediate intent was to create a liquidity crun...