Monday, March 17

Tag: greenhouse gas emissions

Trump decided to pull the United States from the Paris Climate Accord

Trump decided to pull the United States from the Paris Climate Accord

Donald Trump has announced the withdrawal of the US from the Paris agreement on climate change, saying he wants to "renegotiate" a fairer deal that would not disadvantage US businesses and workers. Mr Trump, who has made pulling out of the pact – which has been signed by almost 200 nations – a central plank of his run for the presidency, said that in withdrawing he was keeping his campaign promise to put American workers first. He said that "if we can get a deal, that's great. If not, that's fine." The President had been put under extreme pressure by allies around the world to stay in the agreement, and although the administration said his views on the subject were "evolving" – having previously claimed climate change was a "hoax" – Mr Trump refused to be backed into a corner. He said ...