Saturday, March 15

Tag: Facebook

Facebook delays launch of Timeline profiles

Facebook delays launch of Timeline profiles

Facebook’s most discussed topic these days is the launch of new Timeline profiles which creates a rich format scrapbook like profile with recent and past updates from a user. But unfortunately Facebook delays the launch of these Timeline profiles after it got sued by a small Chicago based company which claims that Facebook Timeline is a copy of their website and it threatens their business. Earlier the full launch of Facebook Timeline was scheduled for October 1st 2011 but Facebook themselves delayed the launch and now will be available by Wednesday. Currently more than a million people are using timeline by enabling developer’s access as we told you earlier. If you missed that post you can read it here. Now the users can still sign in through the developer’s access b...
“People Talking About This” – Facebook’s new Public Metric

“People Talking About This” – Facebook’s new Public Metric

In the series of changes in Facebook Pages, Facebook added another feature to it and this time they have got something related to user interaction of the page i.e insights. They have launched a new feature called “People Talking About This” which is a new count of users interacting with that page. This new count is public and is visible to every one visiting that page. That mean’s it’s not only for admins unlike post impressions. This “People Talking About This” will measure the user interaction on a page. This user interaction includes Likes on posts, Wall post written by a member, sharing content, RSVP to page’s events, mentioning page’s name somewhere on Facebook, tagging Page in a photo, and Check-ins in case the page  is of some place. This is a good feature and will motivate...
Remove Fb Ticker & Get Old FB Chat Bar Back

Remove Fb Ticker & Get Old FB Chat Bar Back

Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion Do you want your Facebook sidebar to show ALL your online friends? Do you wish that your Facebook sidebar didn't waste space on friends that aren't even online? Do you want your Facebook sidebar to look like this? Without the blur of course! Well here is the solution for you!!! Firefox Users In order to run the code required to make the transformations, you must install a Firefox Add-on called Greasemonkey. It can be downloaded from here: Step 1: Visit the above link and click on "Add to Firefox" Step 2: Once downloaded, you will see the following alert, click "Install" Step 3: Once it is installed, it will alert you to restart Firefox, please do so Step 4: Then go here: htt...
Want to Remove and Delete Facebook Account and Profile Permanently?

Want to Remove and Delete Facebook Account and Profile Permanently?

Facebook offers a convenient way to deactivate Facebook account. However, deactivation of Facebook does not completely and permanently the Facebook profile and account.   According to Facebook FAQ, deactivate Facebook account will render user’s profile and all information associated with it immediately inaccessible to other Facebook users. In other words, the account is effectively disappear from the Facebook service. However, the Facebook account is not been purged from Facebook’s servers. Instead, the profile information (friends, photos, interests, etc.) is saved, so that the account can be recovered and reactivated in future with the information intact if the user decides to do so, or regret on the deactivation decision.   Permanently delete the Facebook account wil...
Facebook Treat – Multi-person chat, Video calling and lots more!

Facebook Treat – Multi-person chat, Video calling and lots more!

Article first published as Facebook Treat: Multi Person Chat, Video Calling and Lots More on Technorati. Facebook has come up with the Group Chat; enhances data visibility and video calling powered by Skype for all its users indicating that they are strongly working on their apps support to enhance user experience. Group Chat The new feature of Group Chat also popularly known as multi-person chat give users freedom of sharing and discuss thoughts with their multiple friends through instant chat. Note: If in place of "Add to chat" you have "Start a video call" option. Then look into the setting button (i.e. between "Start a video call" and "Close this chat") because it must be there inside it. Enhances Data Visibility In response to Facebook’s increasing integration with thi...
Google Plus vs. Facebook

Google Plus vs. Facebook

Article first published as Google Plus vs. Facebook on Technorati. Like all the other Google lovers I was also very excited when I heard that Google had launched its own social network, Google Plus. I tried hard and somehow managed to get an invitation. This was very exciting for me as I was looking forward to it as an alternative for Facebook. I posted an article on Google plus discussing its features. However, soon after creating a profile and looking into all the options and features of it, I started missing applications that I used to enjoy at Facebook. Frankly these applications were proven to be at best time killing applications and many times they simply saved me from getting bored. Except few of the features like Circles, privacy settings and editing a wall post, I didn’t ...
Change in Facebook News Feed Visibility

Change in Facebook News Feed Visibility

Hi Facebook Users,  Have you noticed that you are only seeing updates in your news feed from the same people lately? Have you also noticed that when you post things like status messages, photos and links, the same circle of people are commenting and everyone else seems to be ignoring you?Don't worry, everyone still loves you and nobody has intentionally blocked you. The problem is that a large chunk of your friend/fan list can't see anything you post and here's why:The "New Facebook" has a newsfeed setting that by default is automatically set to show ONLY posts from people who you've recently interacted with or interacted the most with (which would be limited to the couple of weeks just before people started switching to the new profile). So in other words, for both busi...
Explore Google Plus

Explore Google Plus

Google with the launch of its brand new social project Google plus has indicated its intentions to grab share in the Facebook's social network of more than 500 million active users. Will it work? Not sure but it looks like the best version of social that they have ever done (as compared to its much hyped Google Wave and Buzz). They have put together a core group of social products and a new navigation bar that integrates sharing and conversations into every single Google Product. Alike Facebook, Google has also focused on Privacy Settings,  and emphasizing that Google plus will let users to bifurcate what they want to share and with whom they want to share. The design and UI is much better than normal Google products, but it still retains the elegant & “normal” Google look with p...
Now Access Facebook Without The Internet!

Now Access Facebook Without The Internet!

The ultimate social networking site, Facebook, ranks the best when it comes to Twitter and Myspace and so this social networking site, has decided to cater to their users even on the 'go', without the use of the 'internet'!   There are a number of users who are so occupied with this social networking site, Facebook, that they are glued to their pc's as soon as they are back from work. To avoid this rush, users can now access the social networking site, Facebook on their ordinary mobile phones. A Singapore based software application developer used for this process is called as the U2opia, it is simple as the user can log into Facebook and at the end of their usage an alert is sent to the mobile phone just like how you get a notification at the end of a call. ( Unstructured Suppl...