How to permanently delete your Snapchat account
Following the latest news about from Snapchat's CEO alleged comment
"Snapchat CEO said app is not for ‘poor countries like India’"
Many Indians have started uninstalling Snapschat app and rate it 1 on playstore and apple store. Also, #UninstallSnapChat is also trending in India. With that said, whether you're trying to cut back on social networks, or you simply no longer want to use Snapchat, you can delete your account in just a few clicks.
To delete your Snapchat account, you'll need to visit https://snapchat.com/a/delete_account and sign into your account.
Upon logging in, you'll see a screen similar to the one above. Enter your username and password one last time, then click on the yellow "Delete Account" button.
Just as quickly as your Snaps disappear, so does your account. I...