Tuesday, March 18

Tag: cover

Study Shows Smarter People Drink More Alcohol

Study Shows Smarter People Drink More Alcohol

If after a tough week in anatomy class you tend to hit happy hour a little harder than the others, you may have some cover. Thin cover but cover nonetheless. More intelligent children in both studies grew up to drink alcohol more frequently and in greater quantities than less intelligent children. A National Child Development Study and the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (U.K. and US respectively) show that smarter kids drink more as adults. Empirical data from both studies suggests that more intelligent people are more likely to binge drink and get drunk. We all know Hemingway wrote drunk and edited sober. We also know that Faulkner would lock his door and drink until he blacked out. Both created masterpieces of literature. Kant, Goethe and Luther changed the worl...