Saturday, March 15

Tag: Blogs

Best 10 Free Blog Directories

Best 10 Free Blog Directories

One of the many ways to increase the web blog or site popularity is by submitting your URL to as many Blog directories, these a common part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to make your blog more searchable by most of Search Engine and increasing your web traffic. Best Free Web Blog Directories Submitting URL to the blog directories can be a little bit difficult and tedious, because some blog directory are required to register before you can submitting URL, adding reciprocal link for validation etc. The list below is the best of blog directory that I know. Actually, there are so many blog  directories, but I pick just 10 blog directory based on popularity, SEO friendly, fastest approved directory, free and trusted site. If you want to submit to another web directory, you co...
New Blogger with Cool Features – New Dashboard, Post Editor, Content Discovery and more! – Updated

New Blogger with Cool Features – New Dashboard, Post Editor, Content Discovery and more! – Updated

New (and improved) Dashboard Finally, gets an overhaul with its re-defined dashboard and post editor. Google announced its upcoming new features for blogger yesterday with a wide variety of improvements.which will be more comfortable and convenient for blogger users. Google says that 2010 was the biggest year for blogger which introduced template designer, real-time stats, comment spam filtering, mobile templates, web fonts and were rated the most reliable blogging service of all time. Google promises that 2011 will be another exciting year for Let's have a sneak peak to bloggers upcoming features in 2011. New Blog Post Editor Google will also release a content discovery tool, which will determine ...

New Improved Blogumus: A flash animated label cloud for Blogger!

Hi Friends, did you notice the animated flash tag cloud (aka Blogumus) placed in the sidebar of this blog. Hover your mouse over the Flash object to see the animation begin, isn’t that cool. "Blogumus" is a Flash based tag cloud widget which uses scripts converted from Roy Tanck's WP Cumulus plugin for Wordpress. I am sure many of you might also be looking for to learn how to convert this for use in Blogger powered blogs. In this post, I'll explain how you can add Blogumus to your own Blogger layout with ease! Recently a lot of people have been  complaining that after successful installation of Blogumulus,the flash based tag cloud doesnt animate or worse is showing some kind of pluggin missing error. A more careful observation revealed that the error was some access related issue ...
How To Blog

How To Blog

Today internet has emerged as a major source of Information. Anyone can speak his/her mind over the internet all that he/she just need is a space over this cool and happening universe Internet. This can be done either with creating a website or blogging. Especially Blogging service made it quite easy for Internet user to raise their voice and express themselves across the globe. Blogging is also a smart way to advertise small business. It enables one to advertise their product and services without any hurdles. All that they need is just a Blog Service Provider and great thing is that almost most of them are free and taking good care of their users. It is very easy to create blog and broadcast it. However effective blogging is still something which one should understand be...