Saturday, March 15

Tag: BlackBerry

How to Flash/Update Blackberry Smartphones

How to Flash/Update Blackberry Smartphones

Well I am here with this much awaited tutorial over how to flash your Blackberry smartphone with BB OS and save you tons of money you would spend when you take the phone to be fixed. Firstly you will need to install the blackberry desktop manager, to take back-up of your contacts and messages, it comes in a CD when u purchase you BB phone but can easily be downloaded. here            An additional software to download would be BBSAK, its used to back up BB applications and restore them among other functions. It can be downloaded from here Lastly you'll need to download the version of the OS you want to install. a simple way of getting this is by visiting Official Blackberry Firmware download and trace a suitable OS from there. 1:...
How to Get WhatsApp Messenger Work On Blackberry

How to Get WhatsApp Messenger Work On Blackberry

To fix the problem go into Settings > Options > Advanced Options and select 'Applications' menu. Choose WhatsApp and select Edit Permissions:                                          Set WhatsApp Permissions to Allow and Save: After saving new permissions, reboot your BlackBerry by removing battery from the deviceIf you are still having problems performing the above steps, go to Options -> Security Options -> Firewall, and select Reset Firewall from the menu. Be sure to Save and reboot your BlackBerry by removing battery from it for 30 seconds.
BlackBerry Smartphone Shortcuts

BlackBerry Smartphone Shortcuts

BlackBerry Bold 9700 (Click for full review) The BlackBerry OS has been evolving now for nearly a decade and through its many iterations a wealth of shortcuts have been introduced across many of the major applications to make using your smartphone so much easier. BlackBerry handsets are famous for their full-QWERTY keyboards, and as such, many of the application shortcuts incorporate combinations of keystrokes, similar to shortcuts you'll use on a desktop computer. Below is the most recent list of shortcuts as compiled by BlackBerry manufacturer Research in Motion for its Bold 9000 handset, though most if not all of these shortcuts will work for BlackBerry smartphones (including newer ones like the Bold 9700 and Curve 8520 that sport touch-sensitive trackpads) with physical keyboa...
Use Smartphones Smartly – Shortcuts Guide

Use Smartphones Smartly – Shortcuts Guide

  Saw someone playing games on an Apple iPhone or typing email on a BlackBerry? Smartphones are all around us and these devices usually offer a pool of features, some of which we don't even use regularly. But for everyday tasks like sending SMSes, emails and Web browsing, there are ways to become more efficient with shortcuts. We have a comprehensive list below. If you have one of these phones, get started here. Note that some of these shortcuts may also work on other models running on the same OS.   Operating system Google Android 2.3 Reference device: Google Nexus S Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Reference device: ...