Saturday, March 15

Tag: Anil Galgali

New RTI Rules Will Not Restrict Your Questions to the Govt

New RTI Rules Will Not Restrict Your Questions to the Govt

The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has proposed changes to the Right to Information Act, which was last amended in 2012. Hindustan Times reported that as per the proposed changes, RTI applicants will have to pay more to obtain information and a 500-word limit will be put on the RTI application. Let’s understand from  RTI activists of what the government is proposing. Is the 500-Word Limit on RTI Pleas New? Satyananda Mishra, ex-Chief Information Commissioner, said that the word limit is not new and has been around for a few years now. He added: The issue before the DoPT and the government was that RTI applications were inordinately long and a single application could run into several pages, seeking hundreds of queries. This would make it difficult for the respo...