Saturday, March 15


It is the right time for Uttar Pradesh’s division into smaller states

It is the right time for Uttar Pradesh’s division into smaller states

Opinion, Uttar Pradesh
Fertile land, productive terrain, natural water resources, large consumer base, political clout, rich culture, and an authoritative presence, in books of history- Uttar Pradesh (UP) has everything, that an administrative unit needs, to write its growth story. And yet, it continues to fall short of its development potential. If it were a separate country, UP would be the fifth most populous in the world. And yet, nowhere have the dividends from our demography been as low, as in UP. This points to a fundamental flaw in the state’s governance architecture. Low economic development, and disappointing social indicators According to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, the per-capita Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of UP, is the second lowest, among all states and Uni...
Narendra Modi has turned India into a magnet: McKinsey CEO Dominic Barton

Narendra Modi has turned India into a magnet: McKinsey CEO Dominic Barton

Dominic Barton, the CEO of the world's largest whiteshoe consulting firm, McKinsey, says that India is back on the priority list of CEOs after Narendra Modi's ascension to power. "People had given up on India. They felt India is too complicated and it was difficult to get anything done. It had dropped in the last five years on people's priority (list). I think it has gone right back up, people are interested, obviously people are going to want to see action but I think the feeling is they will, because this government seems serious," says Barton. On his part, the McKinsey CEO is again advising his clients to bet big on India. "I was not (advising clients to come to India) two years ago because it was complicated... and companies and clients were deeply frustrated with the bureaucracy, n...