Saturday, March 15


Stress may have different impact on the young female brain

Stress may have different impact on the young female brain

Traumatic stress may have different impact in the brains of adolescent boys and girls, according to a new brain-scanning study. The study found structural differences between the sexes in one part of the insula, a brain region among the youth with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or seeing a terrifying event. “The insula appears to play a key role in the development of PTSD. The difference we saw between the brains of boys and girls who have experienced psychological trauma is important because it may help explain differences in trauma symptoms between sexes,” said Victor Carrion, Professor at Stanford University in California. “Our findings suggest it is possible that boys and girls could exhibit different trauma symptoms and th...
The Nearest Earth-Like Planet Outside Our Solar System ‘GJ 1132b’ Could Be a Water World

The Nearest Earth-Like Planet Outside Our Solar System ‘GJ 1132b’ Could Be a Water World

At a distance of 4.2 light years, Proxima b is the closest potentially habitable Earth-like planet outside our solar system. New research suggests this distant orb could be completely covered in water. So when do we go? This past August, scientists with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) confirmed the discovery of a rocky planet in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri-our nearest neighboring star. Little is known about this distant planet and whether it has what it takes to foster alien life, but a new study accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal posits the suggestion that Proxima b is covered with oceans, and possibly even a single massive ocean that envelops the entire planet. Proxima b is a fascinating target for study, and not just because it’s an Earth-like pla...
Sunny Leone will be walking for designer Archana Kochhar at the upcoming New York Fashion Week

Sunny Leone will be walking for designer Archana Kochhar at the upcoming New York Fashion Week

Bollywood actress Sunny Leone will be walking for designer Archana Kochhar at the upcoming New York Fashion Week. She says it is like a ‘dream come true’ moment for her. Sunny will be opening the show on September 8, and she took to Twitter on Sunday to share her excitement about it. The “Jackpot” actress posted: “So excited! A dream come true…I’m walking New York Fashion Week SS17 for Archana Kochhar Opening Show on the Sep 8 2016.” Kochhar will be showcasing her collection ‘A Tale of Two Travels’, a mélange of her travels to the Taj Mahal and the village of Banjara tribals, at the FTL New York Fashion Week SS17. She is also supporting the initiative ‘Bring Beauty Back’ at the fashion week, where acid attack survivor Reshma Banoo Qureshi will walk the ramp for her. The “Mastizaade” st...
Follow These 5 Tips Before Makeup For A Perfect Finish

Follow These 5 Tips Before Makeup For A Perfect Finish

After all, we aim to look at our best and patchy make-up really doesn’t help in that case. Well, some would advise you to use a primer, some would say use this and that and this. You know what? Chuck it all and just follow these 5 tips before makeup for a perfect finish. I bet you won’t be disappointed at all. Tips Before Makeup – 1. Clean wash your face Don’t just wash it with a splash of water but with your daily face wash. It will help you clean the pores and leave the face fresh and smooth. 2. Exfoliate Yes, I may sound little weird but you have to scrub your face a tiny bit before the makeup in order to open your pores and remove excess oil from it. Don’t rub it too hard, just massage with it and clean your face thoroughly. 3. Apply toner By applying toner with the help of a ...
Choose your happiness over suffering

Choose your happiness over suffering

The Buddha said that wisdom and compassion are like the two wings of a bird; it is only when you have both, working in union together, that you can fly. In modern terms, we can also think of wisdom and compassion as understanding and action. At the heart of all the teachings is the aim to develop the union between our thoughts, our words and our actions. Everything begins and is created first in the mind, but if we do not put our understanding into action, then we forget to walk our path. There are things in this life that we cannot change or control, but whether we want to experience happiness or not is up to us. If we do not wish to be happier than we are now, that is our choice, but if we wish to deepen our sense of happiness, to become a more joyful person to be around, then the...
Know the powers in you

Know the powers in you

From the time we are born, we are empowered with the three powers—will, action and knowledge or wisdom (ichcha, jnana and kriya shaktis). These powers work in different proportions at different phases of our lives. The key is to maintain a balance of all the powers so that we are in harmony with ourselves. We require all the powers to accomplish any task. For example, if we plan to watch a movie, this idea has to be at first conceptualised in mind. Which movie do I watch? Where do I watch? What show timings are convenient for me? With whom do I watch? What is the duration of the movie? What time do I have to leave home? How long does it take to reach the theatre? How much money do I carry? The initial planning of going for a movie starts with ichcha shakti or power of will. Then ...
Preventive skin care treatment is important for women of all ages

Preventive skin care treatment is important for women of all ages

Health, Lifestyle
Everyone from your grandmother to your dermatologist will tell you that a good skin care routine is the answer to healthy skin. If you’re a skin care rookie, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with these 5 must-have products. Moisturiser Dryness immediately makes skin seem duller and older than it is. Luckily, the solution is oh-so very simple. Adding a high quality moisturiser to your daily routine will ensure your skin stays hydrated and soft. The serum Serums are oil or water based products with a high concentration of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that on application will penetrate the layers of your skin to give it the nourishing care it deserves. A dime-sized dollop of a good facial serum on clean skin is all it takes. Screen the sun One of the biggest causes of ...
Study Shows Smarter People Drink More Alcohol

Study Shows Smarter People Drink More Alcohol

If after a tough week in anatomy class you tend to hit happy hour a little harder than the others, you may have some cover. Thin cover but cover nonetheless. More intelligent children in both studies grew up to drink alcohol more frequently and in greater quantities than less intelligent children. A National Child Development Study and the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (U.K. and US respectively) show that smarter kids drink more as adults. Empirical data from both studies suggests that more intelligent people are more likely to binge drink and get drunk. We all know Hemingway wrote drunk and edited sober. We also know that Faulkner would lock his door and drink until he blacked out. Both created masterpieces of literature. Kant, Goethe and Luther changed the worl...