Friday, March 14


AICTE approved single entrance test for engineering courses from next year

AICTE approved single entrance test for engineering courses from next year

Admission to all engineering colleges across the country will be done through a single entrance examination from next year with the AICTE approving a regulation in this regard, sources said. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) on Tuesday approved a comprehensive package, including the single national test, for improving engineering education. The AICTE, which is the statutory body and a national-level council for technical education, also directed institutes to go for induction courses, yearly revision of curriculum and teacher training through SWAYAM platform, said a source. To implement the package Rs 250 crore would be spent, the source added. The Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) is a programme developed by the government to t...
Female students will play role in determining universities rankings

Female students will play role in determining universities rankings

Education, National
Girls and women students will play a role in determining the rank of a university or an engineering or law institute in the annual government-backed survey, India Rankings, to be announced on April 3. A high percentage of women students in a particular institution could give it an edge in an otherwise close contest among institutions where every point makes a difference in their ranking. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, topped the first survey last year. The survey is conducted by the National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) under the aegis of the union human resource development (HRD) ministry. “In this year’s survey, 2.5% weightage has been given for the percentage of women students in a campus. This is important as it will bring in greater gender parity in institution...
Aadhar Card Now Mandatory for college students to benefit Scholarship schemes

Aadhar Card Now Mandatory for college students to benefit Scholarship schemes

Education, National
Aadhar Card Now Mandatory for Central Government Scholarship Schemes For School and College Students. The government has announced that Aadhar card is must in order to avail Central Sector Scholarship Scheme.Union Human Resource Development Ministry (HRD) has said that to avail benefit under the Central Sector Scholarship Scheme for College and University students, applicants will now have to furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar card or undergo Aadhaar authentication. The notification issued by the ministry yesterday said those who are receiving these scholarships but don’t have an Aadhar card will have to apply for enrollment by 30th of June. Ministry said, the move brings in transparency and enables beneficiaries to get entitlements directly to and Aadhaar obviates the need for pro...