Saturday, March 15

Dera headquarters practiced their own monetary system

At Sirsa where the headquarters of the Dera is located, there is a separate monetary system in place. The monetary system introduced by the Dera Sacha Sauda chief, Gurmeet Ram Rahim is aimed at tendering change to customers.

Located in and around Dera premises, these shops have the word ‘Sach’ (truth) prefixed to their respective names and give out plastic ‘coins’ or tokens of Rs 10 and Rs 5 to customers if they are unable to tender change in Indian currency.

These coins, engraved with the words ‘Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera hi Asara, Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa’, can then be used by the customer to buy items at the ‘Sach’ shops later.
In case a shopkeeper does not have any change at his disposal if a customer pays Rs 100 for an item that costs Rs 70, the latter may have to make do with three plastic tokens of Rs 10 value each .

The Dera campus is spread over nearly 1,000 acres and is a township on its own, with schools, a sports village, a hospital and a cinema hall.

Shopkeepers who run ‘Sach’ shops near the Dera headquarters have a different colour code for such plastic coins.


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